If you would like to appeal your ban please copy this format and fill it out in the ban appeal section HERE.
Player Information:
In-Game Name: [Your in-game name]
Discord Username: [Your Discord username and discriminator (e.g., Example#1234)]
Date of Ban: [Date when you were banned]
Reason for Ban: [Reason stated for your ban]
Ban Appeal:
Please provide a detailed explanation of why you believe your ban should be lifted. Include any relevant information, evidence, or mitigating circumstances that you think the server administrators should consider.
Additional Information:
If there's any other information you think is pertinent to your appeal, please include it here.
By submitting this ban appeal form, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the server RULES, and I agree to abide by them if my ban is lifted. I understand that submitting false information may result in further disciplinary action.
Signed: [Your name or signature]